


Fired Up Youth Sports is a Corporation in business for more than 15 years, visioning to nurture the world with health and wellness for our Children, helping our younger generations on becoming stronger and healthier individuals. Throughout the years, Fired Up Youth Sports has managed to secure its place in the market with pride by operating with Safety, Integrity, honesty and excellence in service. 

Running Afterschool Programs for Hundreds of children in Private and Public Schools all over south Florida, our sports sessions are now ranging from Jupiter all the way down to Florida City in the State of Florida. With a team of responsible, qualified and trained staff, we strive to succeed on helping parents on the education of our children, while introducing them to a social life of sports, health and wellness.

You register your child providing the necessary information.

A one-time Registration Fee is charged at sign up and it will cover your children’s uniform. Use of the Fired Up Youth Sports Uniform is required for all children attending our programs. Uniforms are made to order and are not exchangeable or refundable.

The Schools will receive from Fired Up a roster with information on all children joining our after school sessions each day.

At the end of each school day, teachers will guide the children to the patio, where our instructors are waiting to conduct the group to the field for a 1 hour session.

At the end of each session, our instructors will return the children to the school’s aftercare center and/or to the car pool area, where they are assisted until each and every one of them are picked up by a parent or responsible person.


Join us now, and let’s have a great season!!